Select Projects
Timber Sq. (Lavington St.)
Lavington Street’s branding vision is for ‘an ambitious new campus aimed at helping businesses be the best they can be: for their people, for their purpose, for the world’. Central to that vision is being net zero carbon, with flexible, healthy and inspirational spaces that are at the heart of a creative neighbourhood and a community committed to positive change. The development will be one of the first of its scale to demonstrate how such buildings can respond to the climate emergency and emerging net zero carbon targets.
Derby Theatre
The report commissioned to test the feasibility of accommodating Project Assemble on the site of Derby Assembly Rooms, and within the overall ‘Cultural Heart’ master-plan strategy for Derby’s city centre. The study explores a ‘new-build’ solution alongside different levels of retention including ‘re-use’ and a ‘do minimum’ option.
The brief requested was to develop a cohesive and robust commercial strategy for KAFD. One that embraces the ethos of the client’s vision to create a vibrant district, thriving economy promoting innovation, a dynamic environment, while encouraging social interchange. Blends the variety of uses, provides exciting commercial offerings and cutting-edge experiences, infuses the spaces with personality and creates dynamic environment. All of this leads to their economic success.
Hatfield is an existing shopping centre suffering as many Shopping centres have in an era of online shopping. Falling numbers of shoppers set in a dated building on a challenging site constructed above a highway. The project seeks to explore the potential redevelopment and regeneration. Breathing new life into the centre, increasing let-table area and introducing activities. Hatfield brief sought to discover a new identity through becoming a new attraction.
Starfield Unjeong
A project from a returning client, Starfield. A new site acquired by the client with a massing design in place, the study explored the concept design for creating a space, identity and landscaping scheme. The project sought to elevate available spaces with activation through a series of methodologies, and extrapolate the potential the site has to offer. While bringing a sense of community to the design, the scheme seeks to connect the users of the internal environment with the external offerings and activities through a permeable language.
Finsbury Dials
The proposed scope targets this maximum NIA uplift within the existing building envelope (‘re-invent’) with a fall back option to abandon the Level 07 additional floor if planning dialogue and costs prove prohibitive (‘refresh’). The refurbishment proposals can be considered as a three-step approach as outlined below and overleaf. The additional floor area created at Level 07 by relocating plant where possible to lower, less valuable space triggers the replacement of lifts and a major planning application.
Victoria Square Development (Woking)
Completed construction and joining while in construction,the project extension and combination to the existing centre’s adjoining the site. Expanding the scope of Retail and Public Realm, while additionally introducing T1 & T2 Residential Towers, Hilton Hotel, a brand new Car Park and also Energy Route.
Al-Wajh was a 9 week competition located on the coast of the Red Sea. A gateway Hotel serving as the arrival and entry point for visitors to the Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Reserve. Aiming to deliver an authentic experience grounded in and informed by traditional Saudi hospitality to guests and visitors from around the world; elaborate the rich Saudi heritage and strong maritime culture of this ancient seaside city.
Misk City was a competition project. Envisaged to be the world’s first non-profit city: a regional and global centre incubating innovative, educational and creative industries. Located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the City enables the leaders of tomorrow by unlocking the potential of youth in Saudi Arabia.